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Dog giving a high five


Who I Am & My Passion To Spread The Feeling Of Being Jolly

Life is about the pursuit of something. When I was tiny I continually pursued my dream of owning a dog, but there were two mammoth parents. For years all I heard was "NO" but I discovered I have a superpower - my ability to keep going in pursuit of my dreams. I am now the proud owner of a four legged best friend named Jenson. Looking back it was my greatest decision ever to relentlessly keep striving towards my dream, as it turns out it was also my parents as they admit they love him too. It is now my goal to spread the 'jolliness' of animals to all with my business Jolly Jenson -  and additionally spread the message that if you have a dream, know that you don't always have to be sure how it will unfold, just focus on continually moving forward.....because as it turns out, that makes all the difference!


Since day one, I’ve been working tirelessly in order to begin our product offerings and make our customers experience a jolly way of life. I'm proud of how far I’ve come setting up, yet remain committed to performing even better in 2024.


Our collections are carefully selected. Delivery options and payment methods are generous and flexible. Browse through our product gallery and experience shopping with Jolly Jenson for yourself. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, comments or suggestions.

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